Gel Red Tonic

10 gel

Intense effort energy gel + caffeine

  • Concentrated energy (for intense efforts)
  • 26 g of carbohydrates per serving (100 kcal / gel)
  • Stimulating effect (natural caffeine: guarana)
  • Intense freshness (mint-eucalyptus)
  • Perfectly tolerated: liquid texture, natural flavors, preservative-free
26,90 €


Spedizione prevista il mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024

Termine di consegna entro 3iorni lavorativi

Prix gel unitaire : 3,00 €

Peso 340 g / Prezzo per 100 g : 7,91 €

Why Choose the RED TONIC energy gel?

With its fast-assimilating carbohydrate content combined with caffeine, the RED TONIC energy gel delivers a real stimulating effect to maintain a high pace during intense efforts..

The RED TONIC gel is used during exertion whenever you need to quickly replenish maximum energy and restore full efficiency.

Each serving of the gel provides you with 26 g of carbohydrates, equivalent to 100 kcal for immediate energy supply.

Stimulating! Reduces fatigue

The RED TONIC energy gel contains natural caffeine (guarana) and vitamin B6, which play an essential role in reducing fatigue.

Intense freshness

Thanks to its natural mint and eucalyptus flavors, the RED TONIC gel offers a truly intense freshness, very pleasant during sustained efforts or in hot conditions.

Perfectly tolerated

The RED TONIC gel is characterized by its liquid texture and a composition free of preservatives and acidity, ensuring excellent gastrointestinal tolerance without the fear of digestive discomfort, even after several hours of effort.

With its 100% natural flavors, it combines taste pleasure and effectiveness.

New sachet format, 20% more energy!

With its brand-new sachet format, the RED TONIC energy gel now offers you 20% more energy in a more compact, convenient, and easily transportable packaging.

Easily slip it into the pocket of your jersey, your running belt, or your trail bag, and maintain your performance wherever you are.

Bye bye tubes... a Gesture for the planet

By adopting the new sachet format, we actively contribute to reducing the environmental impact of our packaging, thus decreasing plastic consumption and the volume of waste produced.

Make a gesture for the planet while boosting your sports performance.

Take the RED TONIC gel during a sporting activity any time you need to replenish maximum energy as quickly as possible and be at the top of your game again.
Drink 1 to 2 mouthfuls of OVERSTIM.s sports drink or water after taking the gel.

The winning combo: take one COUP DE FOUET gel, wait 4 or 5 minutes, then take a RED TONIC gel: it's extremely effective!

Menta - Eucalipto :
Ingredienti: Sciroppo di glucosio (UE), acqua, estratto secco di guaranà (Estratto secco di guaranà 10%, maltodestrine) (0,7%), sale, succo concentrato di limone, estratto fluido di radice di ginseng (0,2%), aromi naturali di menta e di eucalipto, aromi, vitamine: B1 (Tiamina), B6.

 per 100 gper 34 g di gel
Valori energetici1267 kJ / 298 kcal430 kJ / 101 kcal
Proteine< 1 g< 1 g
Glucidi75 g26 g
di cui zuccherie36 g12 g
Grassi< 1 g< 1 g
di cui acidi grassi saturi< 0,1 g< 0,1 g
Fibres< 1 g< 1 g
Sale0,35 g0,11 g
Vitamine B10,50 mg (45%*)0,17 mg (15%*)
Vitamine B60,7 mg (50%*)0,23 mg (16%*)
Sodio130 mg45 mg
Caffeina75 mg25 mg

* VNR = valeurs nutritionnelles de référence

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